How many pieces of media do I own? Ready? Go.
- Games:
- 188 PC games on Steam
- 2 PC games on
- 56 PC games on Epic Game Store
- ??? games on Origin (apparently, Origin has been discontinued? Thanks EA)
- ??? games on
- ??? games on Humble Bundle
- even more tons of DRM-free games from those big COVID-relief style bundles
- Minecraft, SS13
- ??? Wii games
- ??? 3DS games
- ??? Wii U games
- ??? Switch games
- Books:
- ??? books on my bedroom bookshelves
- ??? DrivethruRPG books
- ??? ebooks on a Kindle
- Tons of random readable stuff from the COVID-relief style bundles.
- PDFs on my computer
- 4517 bookmarks+newtab bookmarks + notes
This is probably not that bad compared to other people's collections. But when even the process of jotting these extremely rough numbers down helps, then that signals to me that I might have a problem with media akin to 'open loops'.
I can't find the bookmark I originally read about them in, but the idea is that all of this stuff sits as a vague 'I need to do this' in the back of my brain.
Separately, I certainly have a problem with being bored despite having a ton of options. This post is to kickstart that process of getting this stuff in front of me to experience it.
Separately from that, I also don't really have a sense of how big my media library is. Before acquiring more stuff, I'd like to figure out what to do with the stuff I have.
A gaming convention I went to this weekend definitely was a big catalyst in doing this.THIS PAGE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. LAST UPDATED: 8-22-23
Distractions while writing this post:
- I used to have an eating journal in Trello.
- Downloaded the newest version of Playnite to see all of my games. Got distracted. RIP to my nice old library configuration.